VI Puerto Rican Public Health Conference

Mayo 2-3, 2024

The VI Puerto Rican Public Health Conference will take place from May 2-3, 2024, at the Puerto Rico Convention Center in San Juan, Puerto Rico. The event is coordinated by the Graduate School of Public Health of the Medical Sciences Campus of the University of Puerto Rico. The theme of the scientific-professional event is: Perspectives, Challenges, and Opportunities of Public Health and Health Promotion.

The event will have international scope with the convening of the International Meeting on Public Health, Health Promotion, and Health-Promoting Universities. The Art and Health Festival will also be held simultaneously.

The conference invites reflection, critical analysis, and commitment to action from social, community, and university sectors for health. It implies the urging and advocacy for a culture of Public Health and Health Promotion based on public health dialogue and the coordination of public policy actions and intersectoral efforts for the benefit of health.

The focus of the event will promote discussion and analysis of Public Health and Health Promotion issues from multidisciplinary and multisectoral perspectives. The event will encourage the opening and integration of health professional groups and associations, public and private health institutions and organizations, service programs and projects, research centers, academic programs, and community initiatives.

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